All About the Body Issue
Earlier in the year, the team decided that November would be the Body issue. Everything they considered during the planning process had some relevance to body. The final product didn’t say body on the cover, yet there is a common thread that stitches the stories and editorials together, giving the issue a real cohesion.
The features editor interviewed Ariana Huffington about the sleep revolution – Ariana is committed to the idea that we need our 8 hours of sleep a night, every night. She says we need to sleep longer to achieve more.
All fashion pages in the November issue showcased swimwear and pretty sheer looks. For all three editorials, the body wears the clothes, not the clothes the body.
Beauty is dedicated to getting the body summer ready, with tips on how to self-tan, exfoliate and smooth cellulite. The main beauty editorial showcases bold and confident on-trend make-up, perfect for the summer season.
In the features section, they investigated why women participate in mixed martial artists in South Africa. This is the fastest growing sport in the world. Here they met committed women who are competing in a largely male-dominated sport, dealing with discrepancies in pay and with online shaming. They are chipping away at our prejudices, and being taken seriously in a competitive sport challenging their bodies mentally and physically.
After considering Amy Schumer for our cover, they settled on Kate Hudson. In retrospect she was an obvious choice for the body issue. Not only did she study dance while she was growing up in Los Angeles, she has a keen in interest in well-being, always valuing her sanity over the spotlight.